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Embark on Your Cybersecurity Journey with Schellman & bladestack.io

Welcome to the nexus of advanced cybersecurity – a unique partnership where Schellman’s meticulous certification expertise meets bladestack.io’s deep-rooted technical prowess. Journey with us through the complex landscapes of FedRAMP, DoD SRG, StateRAMP, CMMC, ISO, and the vast cyberverse. Our allegiance with Schellman offers you an unparalleled path to readiness. 

Are you seeking a cyber advisory that not only pledges full commitment but also brandishes formidable technical engineering expertise? bladestack.io emerged from the crucible of the FedRAMP program, tempered by the fire of real-world challenges. 

We’ve witnessed the gap where advisory firms falter—a chasm where technical acumen should reside. Our legion of cyber-samurais and tech mavens stands distinct, rejecting the complacency of just-passable deliverables. We delve deep into technology’s heart, unafraid of CLI battles, living the nocturnal coder’s life to safeguard and elevate your digital empire.

Choose not the mundane path trodden by many—select the sharpened blade of bladestack.io, where compliance meets innovation, and advisory transforms into an art form.

Complete the form below to initiate your quest with guidance from the cyber-samurais dedicated to your security fortress’s fortification.

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    Advantages of Schellman + bladestack.io

    At bladestack.io, the synergy with Schellman not only amplifies our shared capacities but also fortifies your journey towards FedRAMP authorization and beyond. With bladestack.io’s formidable technical acumen and Schellman’s refined assessment prowess, your audit preparation transforms into a strategic operation, ensuring that every step is not only meticulously planned but also efficiently executed. Here’s a glimpse into the manifold advantages of our collaboration:

    FedRAMP Assessment Support with a Technical Edge

    Our alliance ensures that you’re not merely traversing the compliance landscape but mastering it. bladestack.io brings a depth of technical expertise to the table, preparing you for the FedRAMP assessment with a team that doesn’t just understand the audit process but has actively shaped the very documents and systems auditors scrutinize. Our hands-on approach means we’re not just supporting; we’re leading the charge alongside you with services like:

    Strategic Liaisoning: Acting as your advocate, we interface with Schellman and agency sponsors, ensuring your assessment remains precise and focused.

    Evidence Management: Leveraging Schellman’s platforms, we streamline evidence collection and submission, making the process seamless and straightforward.

    Audit Interview Assistance: We stand with you during interviews, offering insights and guidance that stem from our engineering-centric mindset.

    Documentation Dynamism: Our proactive updates to your documentation anticipate and address auditor queries, facilitating a smooth path to ATO approval.

    Communications Craftsmanship: We compose and manage all correspondence with the 3PAO and Agency PMO, presenting your preparations cogently and comprehensively.

    POA&M Mastery: Our involvement in risk mitigation is proactive and prompt, ensuring high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within the required timelines.

    bladestack.io’s approach is far from ordinary. We don’t employ tech writers; we deploy engineers. Engineers with real-world experience who don’t just document but dive deep into the tech stack, engaging with the intricate details that make your systems robust and secure. Our team is composed of individuals who live and breathe technology, ensuring that the advice and solutions we offer aren’t just compliant but are infused with innovation and operational excellence.

    With bladestack.io and Schellman at your side, you’re not just preparing for an assessment; you’re empowering your enterprise with a technical task force that elevates your cybersecurity stance to the forefront of the field.