Cyber-Blades with digital reach across the globe.
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle .” – Sun Tzu s headquartered in the US. But we specialize in navigating the constantly changing international cloud compliance landscape. With in-country partnerships and relationships across the international compliance ecosystem, we design secure, compliant clouds built for the modern, global world.

Our cyber-samurais are equipped and credentialed with the top industry recognized certifications. We are prepared to cut, slice and dice through the cyber fog of war to ensure you come out on top.

Preparing US Companies for the Global Stage

Outside the United States, organizations embrace the cloud, outrunning the US Government’s pace of cloud adoption. American cloud companies, especially those that already comply with complex security regulations, should look beyond the US border to stay competitive in a world increasingly shaped by international opportunity. network of in-country partnerships, and relationships with international cloud standard organizations, will help you make the global cyber-leap. Anticipating the explosion of international interest in cloud solutions, we’ve spent over a decade learning the international standards and building a global network of cloud security and compliance partners. We align existing cloud security architecture and processes to international requirements. Then, backed by our in-country partnerships, we work with local partners and international cloud regulators to address roadblocks and smooth your transition into international markets.
The US Government is increasingly receptive to buying IT services, even cloud services, from companies with global infrastructure. We help international organizations achieve and maintain compliance with the US FedRAMP standard. We resolve geographic hosting issues. We implement personnel security approaches to make the US Government more comfortable with non-US staff. And we segment and control data to meet FedRAMP standards.
We also help global organizations understand and navigate the US Government procurement process. From training on regulatory requirements and terminology, to hands-on support to the bid and proposal process, we bring clarity to the US procurement bureaucracy.

For organizations that already comply with an international standard, we map existing architectures and approaches to FedRAMP controls. Where gaps exist, we implement FedRAMP overlay approaches that efficiently meet US Government requirements, while minimizing impact on existing business processes.
International cloud compliance standards that we have experience with include but are not limited to:
- Japan ISMAP
- German BSI C5
- French SecNumCloud
- Australian IRAP
- International ISO 27017
- Singapore OSPAR
- Canadian Protected B
- UK Cyber Essentials
- Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
Unsheathe your BLADES.
Contact us to get started. The first step is a one hour introductory and readiness session, to understand your business landscape and gather technical details, while also making sure that we’re a mutual fit. We also offer unbilled follow up calls if you have any additional questions or need consulting advice as you gear up for the FedRAMP marathon.
Following our initial meetings, formal proposals and pricing are submitted within approximately one week. We can kick-off with a dedicated senior-level team within two to three weeks of contract signature.